Lakeland LPG is a trading name of Lakes & Borders LPG Ltd
Am I permitted to switch from my current supplier?
Yes, from the 13th April 2009 all bulk domestic LPG customers, who are supplied LPG via a bulk tank, can switch their LPG supplier along with the ownership of their tank. If you are an existing LPG customer you will be advised by your existing supplier when you will become eligible to switch.
Do I qualify to switch my current LPG supplier?
Yes, providing you have reached or nearing the end of your current two year contract.
Will I have to have a new tank?
No, providing your tank siting complies with current UK LPG regulations and passes an onsite survey.
Who is responsible for tank maintenance?
Your new supplier.
Will it cost me anything to switch?
No, your existing supplier and new supplier negotiate a price to be paid for the tank. Your new supplier bears this cost.
Who carries out the onsite survey?
One of our representatives will do an onsite visit and survey.
Will I be without gas whilst the switchover takes place?
No disruption to your supply will occur.
Can my tank be topped up automatically?
Yes, providing that your payments are up to date.
Do we share your personal details with third party companies?
No, your personal data is not passed on to third party companies.
How long does the switchover process take?
Up to 28 days for a straight forward switch. Up to 42 days for a tank exchange (rarely the case).
Who should I contact if I suspect there is a gas leak?
Contact us immediately on our 24 hour emergency telephone 07773 023023. Click here for further information.